Save Ohio from the certain doom the Left has prepared for you.
From Late-term abortion, to the complete loss of Parental Rights (and more)
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As of 10/3/23, we’re up to 23 State Representatives out of 67. Get links to their Facebook pages, .gov page and Websites.
As of 10/3/23, we’re up to 2 State Senators out of 26. Get links to their Facebook pages, .gov page and Websites.
See how the Left talks about their own initiatives when they’re talking to one of their own.
The November Issue 1 amendment would invalidate many existing laws that protect women and children.
Keep it simple.
Get inspired by several speakers on how Issue 1 would damage conservatism in Ohio
Iss1 makes abortion a right of ANY “individual”, up until birth. There is an exception of “fetal viability”, but it is at the whim of the abortion doctor to determine “on a case by case basis”.
Iss1 would prevent the State from “directly or indirectly” doing anything to “burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere or discriminate against” any person who “assists an individual in “exercising this right” of “reproductive decisions”. This would include the deviant who kidnaps, rapes and/or prostitutes your daughter, and then secretly takes her for an abortion.
As indicated above, since the State would not be able to “directly or indirectly” interfere with an “individual” or someone assisting an individual in exercising “reproductive decisions”, it stands to reason then that the State would be forced to keep parents FROM trying to interfere.
Iss1 would prevent the State from “directly or indirectly” doing anything to “burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere or discriminate against” any person who “assists an individual in “exercising this right” of “reproductive decisions”. This would include the guidance counselor who privately convinces your daughter to have an abortion and even drives her there.
Iss1 is a piece of ‘dream legislation’ that the Left has been wanting to execute for years. Since sex is also a “reproductive decision” of an “individual”, this would invalidate existing legislation preventing exchanging sex for money.
In 2023, Ohio is the only State where Abortion is on the ballot. Rest assured, if it is successful here, the Left is ready to introduce it to several other States.