“If I only had….”
If I only had the websites of the Ohio Gubernatorial candidate websites to go by to view their policies I would come to the following conclusions regarding medical freedom. With regards to Mike Dewine I wouldn’t know where he stands. There is nothing on his website to say where he stands on medical freedom. He does say that he supports the first amendment, but he doesn’t detail what that means or what actions he would take.
If I looked at Jim Renacci’s website I would see that he states he is against forced vaccines and he says he has a plan to put Ohio first. I don’t however see what his plan is though, on his website. I do see articles where he has stated that he would “veto any bill that jeopardizes Ohioans ability to make their own choices and do what is best for their families without government intrusion.” Link here to Renacci’s page. There is nothing stating any pro-active stance.
When I look to Joe Blystone’s website I see a blog stating that “There should be no rules to freely move about the United States of America.” Link here to Blystone’s page. I see “The government has no business telling Ohioans what is best for you or your family’s health. As governor, I will work with all health care providers and consumers, in addition to the leading medical experts within our state, to examine how the administrative “public health” agencies and authorities can be modernized away from a “one size fits all” approach. I will focus on solutions that better support an individual’s right to make their own informed medical decisions without government interference.” Link here to Blystone’s policies page. But I don’t see a clear cut “I will do this…”.
As for Neil Peterson he states that he will “Work with legislatures to ensure individuals’ right to not be discriminated against or fired for not wanting to receive the Covid-19 vaccination or any other vaccination for any reason. Ensure businesses can’t discriminate against patrons for their vaccination status. Prohibit any state or federal programs that would attempt to implement Covid-19 passports or restrictions.” Link here to Petersen’s page. Although he does say that he will “work with legislatures” he does not say that he will make any orders against it or take any pro-active stance.
The catch all from all these candidates is that if all I had was their websites I would not know what any of them plan to do except that Renacci will veto any legislation trying to mandate a vaccine. But none of them are saying that they will take any executive actions to safeguard the citizens of Ohio. Although there may be more information on other websites or articles, or they may have stated otherwise in public speaking, the point is if all I had to go on was their websites, I would not feel comfortable that any of the candidates had a plan to safeguard our medical freedom rights as Ohioans. It’s time for them to put their intended policy to ‘paper’, be very unambiguous, and let us know what they really plan to do. Which candidate is willing to be pro-active to stop any assault on our medical rights?